Peace within
Family, Nation, and
The World

Sampyung Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2020 by Lee Yoo Sang as a non-profit organization that aims to support and inspire the creative minds of young Korean-Americans, also commonly known as ‘교표’. In the following years to come, the foundation looks forward to becoming one of the forefront organizations that will continue to expand and spread awareness of the traditional Korean Arts & Culture across the globe.

Sampyung (삼평) is President Lee’s pen name and translates to ‘peace within family, nation and the world’ in English.

삼평장학재단은 2020 년에 이회장에 의해 창립된 비영리 단체로 젊은 재미교포들의 창의적 사고를 지원하고 영감을 주는 것을 목표로 한다. 재단은 앞으로 한국의 전통문화예술에 대한 인식을 확대하고 글로벌하게 알리는 최전선 단체가 되기를 기대한다.

‘삼평’은 가정·나라·세계의 평화라는 의미다.

About the Founder

Throughout his extensive career, Lee Yoo Saeng dedicated much of his time institutionalizing the Korean culture globally, most acknowledgeable for his direct influence in establishing Taekwondo as an official medal sport during the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney as the chairman of Junior Taekwondo Federation and member of the International Olympic Committee.

At the late age of 80, President Lee was acknowledged as a certified calligraphy artist after receiving 54 national awards in the span of 3 years, a national record. With the great support from Korea Calligraphy Association and its 7000 active members - most notably Kim Ki Dong (President), Jung Yoon Joo (Vice President) and Hong Jae Hwan (President of Gunpo district branch), Sampyung Scholarship Foundation is able to put together their first group exhibition in Los Angeles later this year. On his recent visit to Los Angeles, President Lee established the first overseas branch of the Korean Calligraphy Association and was announced the chairman of the American branch.

Sampyung (삼평) is President Lee’s pen name and translates to ‘peace within family, nation and the world’ in English.